Youth Harvard Submissions

ISBN: 978-163944752-7
Target: High School Students
Length: 1000 words – 3000 words
Sociology: Research and/oranlyze social structures, our society and community reforms, changes and welfare.
Business: Research a case analysisrelated to economics, business management, finance, etc., requires your unique opinions and insights.
Geography: Explore natural geography as well as research and analyze human geography
Environmental Science: Any topics related to the field of environmental science, including the fields of atmosphere, ocean, transportation, military, etc.
East Asian Literature: Analyze language, culture, economy, politics, history, etc. in East Asia and the profound influence of the values and thinking modes of Western culture on East Asia.
Media Professional: In-depth insights related to information media, covering games, radio, television, film, new media, etc.
Other categories: Those go beyond the above six categories, including but not limited to math, music, diet& health and so on.
Writing Sample:
Submission Deadline
Early submission deadline: Feb28 , 2024
Second submission deadline: March 31 , 2024
Third submission deadline: April 30 , 2024
Fourth submission deadline: May 30 , 2024
Deadline for all submissions: August 14, 2024
Book publication date: October, 2024
Other Requirements:
- All work, including illustrations or photographs need to be original. Use proper references when quotationsare used.
- Submissions have never been published on any other platform.
- Please leave author’s real name, mailing address, telephone number, email address and other information to facilitate timely communication.
Instructions for Authors
All submissions must be formatted correctly. Read the specific directions listed below. Any submissions that do not meet the listed requirements will not be accepted.
Submissions MUST be formatted using a Word document (doc. or docx.)
All submissions must be double-spaced, using paragraph format, size 12 font, Times NewRoman. Paper margins should be set at a maximum of 2.5 cm top, right, left, and bottom.
All submission MUST use proper citations and have a bibliography if applicable, for any content that is used or referenced from another source.
You are required to use Chicago reference and bibliography style of documentation.
The guidelines presented here are consistent with advice given in The Chicago Manual of Style,16th ed. (2010). For more information and examples on using Chicago style, see:
You will need footnotes at the bottom of your submission pages and a bibliography at the end.
Alsoinclude a title page at the beginning with the title of your submission, the date, the school, yourtecher’s name and the word count for your submission (not including footnotes, bibliography and appendices(photos, maps, illustrations, etc.)).